
Maroon 5

Page history last edited by Baira A 14 years, 10 months ago


(Official website)


Kara`s Flower    



Maroon 5 - is an American rock band.All  members from California, LA, the USA.

Since their debuting they has sold over 15 million albums woldwide. This group consits of  Adam Levine, James Valentine, Jesse Carmichael, Michael Madden adn Matt Flyn.

They started their creativity when they were in high scool. Used to play music in garage. Then this band called Kara`s Flower(1994-2001).



 Maroon 5. Songs about Jane.


In 2002 band renamed in Maroon 5. Maroon 5`s debut album Songs about Jane (Hit songs : This Love, Harder to breath, She will be loved and Sunday morning.) But Big Success was in 2004, when this singles topped Billboard charts in USA.




Band members


Adam Levine - lead vocals, rhythm guitar

Jesse Carmichael - keyboards, rhythm guitar, backing vocals

James Valentine - lead guitar, backing vocals

Matt Flynn - drums, percussion

Mickey Madden - bass guitar



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