

Page history last edited by albina4 14 years, 8 months ago



(Unfortunately, I don't remember the site where I took this picture!)




Capitol interior

I would like to visit Capitol, which situates in Washington D. C. in Mid-Atlantic states.It is very famous and beautiful building with many wonderful sculptures and paintings important personalities and historic scenes of the American history.


Capitol frieze




Chinatown is small town in the second largest town Los-Angeles in Western United States.

Comments (3)

Vale Si said

at 4:51 pm on Feb 25, 2010

Did you complete the quiz on the USA South or Southern America?! Is there any difference?

Vale Si said

at 4:50 pm on Mar 18, 2010

Dear Albina,
Let's publish only our own texts!!!!!

Vale Si said

at 11:41 am on Mar 23, 2010

You could make a Glogster (see Week 6) with these photos and your comments, e.g. 'The places I'd like to see'.

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