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Dina U

Page history last edited by Dina 14 years, 6 months ago

 20 Most Miserable Cities 2010


I added the regions:



No. 1 Cleveland, Ohio; region The Midwest.

No. 2 Stockton, California; region The West.

No. 3 Memphis, Tennesse; region The South.

No. 4 Detroit, Michigan; region The Midwest.

No. 5 Flint, Michigan; region The Midwest.

No. 6 Miami, Florida; region The South.

No. 7 St. Louis, Mo.;region the Midwest.

No. 8 Buffalo, New York; region The Middle Atlantic.

No. 9 Canton, Ohio; region The Midwest.

No. 10 Chicago, Illinois; region The Midwest.

No. 11 Modesto, California; region The West.

No. 12 Akron, Ohio; region The Midwest.

No. 13 Kansas City, Montana; region The West.

No. 14 Rockford, Illinois; region The Midwest.

No. 15 Toledo, Ohio; region The Midwest.

No. 16 New York, New York; region The Middle Atlantic.

No. 17 Sacramento, California; region The West.

No. 18 Youngstown, Ohio; region The Midwest.

No. 19 Gary, Indiana; region The Midwest.

No. 20 Philadelphia, Panhandle; region The South.


Which region has more miserable cities?


Week 1:

New England:

No miserable cities.


Week 2:

The Middle Atlantic:

No. 8 Buffalo, New York

No. 16 New York, New York.


Week 3:

The South:

No. 3 Memphis, Tennesse

No. 6 Miami, Florida

No. 20 Philadelphia, Panhandle.


Week 4:


No. 1 Cleveland, Ohio

No. 4 Detroit, Michigan

No. 5 Flint, Michigan

No. 7 St. Louis, Mo.

No. 9 Canton, Ohio

No. 10 Chicago, Illinois

No. 12 Akron, Ohio

No. 14 Rockford, Illinois

No. 15 Toledo, Ohio

No. 18 Youngstown, Ohio

No. 19 Gary, Indiana. 


Week 5:


No. 2 Stockton, California

No. 11 Modesto, California

No. 13 Kansas City, Montana

No. 17 Sacramento, California.


My google maps







Comments (1)

Vale Si said

at 11:44 am on Mar 23, 2010

What a pity that there was something wrong with adding the links.

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