

Page history last edited by Ayuka 14 years, 10 months ago

I want to explore connection of every region with cinema industry.

New England. Famous funny family "Simpsons" lives in Springfield.

Action of movie "The Shawshank Redemption" (The best movie of all etnoses and times in opinion of IMDb Top 250) situated in the state Maine, New England. I saw this movie and i'd quite like it. "The Shawshank Redemption" also is the book of famous writer Stephen King. I'd quite like his books too.

Middle Atlantic. My favorite soap opera is "Friends". Action was in New York. The most famous place in "Friends" is Central Perk, real cafeteria in New York.

Also, there are many films about USA' capital - Washington D.C. I'd like action-movies. For example, movie "Die Hard 4.0" about terrorists' plan of Internet invasion in federal data bases.

First film of Arnold Schwarzenegger - "Hercules in New York".

Southern United States. First that come in my wishes - is movie "Forrest Gump". This movie about unique life of American man, which was taking part in Vietnam War and other Americans popular culture' important acts.


Comments (1)

Vale Si said

at 10:29 am on Mar 11, 2010

Well done.
Would you like to prepare a questionnaire about the USA Cinema and USA Regions?
Model: Question 1: What famous park can be watched in many USA films? What region is it in?

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